New Tour Guide in Tokyo joined us | Japan Travel

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New Tour Guide in Tokyo joined us

Today, a new tour guide in Tokyo joined Nippon PLUS.

Her name is Kumiko. And she is an expert of Shrine and temples.

We introduce hers self-introduction.

I had worked for US companies for many years and lived in New York and London.
As a result, I realized that Japan has a unique culture, social values based on its history and geographical location. I think most visitors coming to Japan are hoping for a meaningful encounter with a different culture and enjoy them.
Tokyo is diverse and full of charms with state-of-art technology, fashion and food. I will help you explore the city and enjoy to find new attractions in Tokyo.

Also, hers tour has registered.

Tour title is “Meiji Shrine and Modern Japanese Architecture in Tokyo Omotesando“.

This tour will visit Meiji Shrine and Omotesando, moreover, will visit Nezu Museum.

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