Private Kamakura Tour in Autumn Outing Season | Japan Travel

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We recommend Private Kamakura Tour in Autumn Outing Season

We recommend Kamakura tour in autumn outing season.

If it is your first visit to Kamakura, we recommend this tour especially.

Kamakura One Day Trip around Popular places

Itinerary of this tour is as follows:

1)Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine:The most important shrine in Kamakura which was built in 1180 by the first shogun.
2)Houkokuji Temple:A zen temple known for its bamboo grove.
3)Komachi-Dori shopping street:shopping and lunch
4)Kotokuin Temple:The famous great Buddha sits in the open air.
5)Hasedera Temple:The eleven headed Kannon, the goddess of mercy is enshrined. In this temple, you can enjoy viewing various flowers throughout the year.

Tsurugaoka Hachimangu and Kotokuin Temple is very famous in Kamakura, however, highly recommend temple is “Houkokuji Temple”.

Bamboo grove


Hasedera Temple

Also, you can enjoy shopping and lunch at Komachi street.(Near Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine)

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